Medical Documentation Requirements
In this Section
The standard format for medical documentation required by Central Carolina Community College's Office of Student Accessibility Services is as follows:
- Diagnosis from an appropriately licensed professional (with signature)
- Diagnosis on official letterhead with contact information (not on a prescription memo pad)
- The information must include:
- diagnosis (with assessment tool used to diagnose);
- symptoms (with information on severity and frequency);
- impact on educational setting;
- recommendation for academic accommodations;
- a list of all currently-prescribed medications;
- and side effects, if not taken as prescribed.
All documentation should be current within 3-5 years. If you have older documentation, please reach out to Student Accessibility Services. All accommodation requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
If you have additional documentation, feel free to submit what you have available for review to the coordinator of Student Accessibility Services. Note: IEP’s and 504-Plans are supplemental materials only.
- Diagnosis from a licensed professional (physician, licensed psychologist, licensed counselor, neurophysiologist, or mental health professional)
- Evaluations of student
- Professional recommendation for accommodation
- Professional list of current medication(s) and side effects, if not taken as prescribed
- Diagnosis from a licensed clinical psychologist, psychiatrist, psychiatric advanced practice registered nurse (APRN), licensed clinical social worker, or other relevantly trained medical doctors
- Professional recommendation for accommodation
- Professional list of current medication(s) and side effects, if not taken as prescribed
- Diagnosis of impairment from a licensed audiologist
- Assessment should include functional limitations in an academic environment that would impede learning
- Professional recommendation for accommodation
- Diagnosis from a learning disability specialist or a licensed psychologist: clinical, educational, school, or neuropsychologist
- Assessment must include aptitude-testing, achievement-testing, or analysis of information processing
- Professional recommendation for accommodation
- Professional list of current medication(s) and side effects, if not taken as prescribed
- Diagnosis and clear identification of symptoms by a developmental pediatrician, neurologist, psychiatrist, psychologist, neuropsychologist, etc.
- A recent psychological or neuropsychological examination detailing the individual's current cognitive functioning as it impacts the educational environment
- Professional recommendation for accommodation
- Professional list of current medication(s) and side effects, if not taken as prescribed
- Documentation from a licensed/qualified professional, such as a physician or a licensed physical therapist
- Professional recommendation for accommodation
- Professional list of current medication(s) and side effects, if not taken as prescribed
- Documentation from an optometrist or ophthalmologist
- Assessment should include functional limitations in an academic environment that would impede learning
- Professional recommendation for accommodation