Purchasing Support
Purchasing Policies and Procedures
Procurement Thresholds
Purchasing thresholds determine the purchasing procedures that must be used when soliciting competition and obtaining offers from vendors. For the purchase of goods, the purchase cost shall include any shipping and installation charges. For the purchase of software or services, the purchase cost shall include the initial purchase cost and any renewal options.
- Small Purchases (up to $29,000): One quote required for purchases up to $10,000; two quotes required for purchases between $10,000 and $29,000
- Informal Purchases ($29,001 - $50,000): Solicitation or Waiver of Competition with one quote attached. Purchasing will issue a Request for Quote.
- Formal Purchases ($50,001 and up): Solicitation
Purchasing Process
Employees are not authorized to place orders directly with vendors unless they are an authorized P-Card user. Employees may only obtain quotes from vendors and submit requisitions with quotes attached to the Purchasing Department. The Purchasing Department will place the order on behalf of the College and the employee to ensure all State laws/rules and College policies/procedures have been followed.
- Employee determines a need for product/service.
- Employee obtains product/service information and/or quotes from vendors.
- Employee prepares and submits an Etrieve Requisition to their Supervisor for approval.
- Depending on the type, complexity, and estimated cost, the following documents may also be required as attachments to the requisition:
- Quotes from multiple vendors
- Specifications/Statement of Work
- UNSIGNED Vendor Contracts/Agreements with terms and conditions (e.g., license agreements, service agreements, advertising agreements)
- Request to Waive Competition (e.g., Sole Source-Brand Specific Justification Form or Emergency-Pressing Need Justification Form)
- Depending on the type, complexity, and estimated cost, the following documents may also be required as attachments to the requisition:
- At a minimum, the departmental Budget Manager must approve the requisition. Other signatures may be required depending on the type of purchase and estimated cost. The Requisition will be sent to the Purchasing Department after the final approval.
- Purchases over $500: Vice President
- Purchases over $5,000: CFO
- Equipment: Controller
- IT-related equipment or software: IT Department
- Grant-funded: VP over grants
- The Purchasing Department will evaluate the employee’s requisition and accompanying documents to determine the most appropriate method of procurement.
- The Purchasing Department will contact the employee if additional information or documentation is required to process the requisition.
- If the purchase is $29,000 or less and all required information has been submitted with the requisition, the Purchasing Department will issue a Purchase Order (PO) to the vendor.
- A copy of the PO will be sent to the employee confirming that the PO has been issued to the vendor.
- If the purchase is over $29,000 and requires seeking competitive proposals or bids, the Purchasing Department will issue an IFB, RFP, or RFQ as appropriate and seek competitive bids/quotes.
- The competitive bid process may take 30 days from receipt of the requisition to issuance of the PO. The competitive bid process may take as long as 3-6 months.
- The product/service is delivered to the employee.
- Employee sends signed and dated packing slip to A/P Specialist.
- If a product requires an inspection, the Purchasing Department coordinates the inspection with the employee and the Quality Acceptance Inspector.
- The vendor submits an invoice for payment.
- The vendor is paid for the product or service provided after the employee approves the invoice for payment and an inspection (if necessary) has been successfully completed.
Frequently Asked Questions
You may buy locally provided the item(s) are not on term contract, or you are using Purchasing Flexibility. If not on a term contract, you may also buy locally if the dollar value is less than $5,000. Otherwise, buying locally without seeking competition can be considered to be too restrictive and not promoting maximum competition.
It is not mandatory to purchase items from a statewide convenience contract. Although our rules do not define what a “convenience” contract is, it is usually one that you are not required to buy from.
A statewide term contract is a contract intended to cover all normal requirements for a commodity or service for a specified period of time based on aggregated estimated quantities. Statewide term contracts are established by P&C or ITS for state entities to utilize. When a commodity or service is covered by a statewide term contract, it is mandatory to purchase from that contract in most cases unless exempted by general statute. In all cases, follow the instructions included in the contract, which may vary by contract, or contact the P&C contract administrator for further guidance.
Community colleges are required to purchase from statewide term contracts. However, community colleges have additional flexibility in their use; community colleges may purchase an item from sources other than those listed on contract if they can find the exact same item at a lower price than term contract, and the total purchase price is within their delegation.
In this case you must document for the record why a state contract item does not fit your needs and then handle the purchase in accordance with established rules for items not covered by a statewide term contract.
To determine if an item is on a statewide term contract, review the Statewide Term Contracts, Statewide IT Contracts, and Agency Specific Term Contracts pages.
When purchasing an item that is listed on a statewide term contract, it is recommended you read the contract for special ordering or shipping instructions, minimum order requirements, or provisions for abnormal quantities.
You do not need P&C approval to purchase an item that is not specifically covered by a state contract. However, the purchase must be completed according to procedures for non-contract purchases. Competition should be sought where available.
You may elect to purchase from any contractor listed on the state contract for the specific item they are authorized to provide. When selecting a source for an item available from multiple contractors, determining factors to consider may be the cost, availability, location, and/or area distributors. You are strongly encouraged to utilize an NC vendor vs. out of state, or choosing a HUB vendor.
Vendors register on-line as a HUB through eVP and are certified by the Office of Historically Underutilized Businesses. To determine a vendor’s HUB status, visit eVP and search for vendors that are HUB certified.
Contact the vendor and ask them to register in E-Procurement. If the vendor refuses to register, research the market for other possible sources of supply. If no other sources of supply exist and the vendor still refuses to register, contact P&C’s E-Procurement/Education Outreach team for assistance. The representative will assist you by contacting the vendor on your behalf to request their registration.